英特尔的第二代 80x86 处理器 i286 于 1982 年 2 月 1 日上市,作为 8086 的直接后继产品,最初主要用于商用计算机。80 年代中期,在 286 系统的价格下降到可以承受的水平后,它们也进入了国内系统。80286 微处理器最重要的创新是保护模式。在“保护”模式下,处理器最多可以寻址 16 MB 内存,并且还可以保护内存和其他系统资源。一项极其重要的功能,对于未来的多任务处理至关重要。但是,对于 286 系统,仍然存在一些限制,例如可以选择直接从保护模式切换回实模式。与后来的 386 系统可以在运行期间来回切换相反,286 系统必须重新启动。

关于 Intel 80286

80286(简称 286)就是造成个人电脑风行的一款中央处理器,在发布后的六年中,全球 286 的个人电脑一共出货了一千五百万台。它除了改善了一些指令的执行速度,同时也增加最大内存支持到 16 MB。当初预计这种内存支持大概在十年之内都不会需要再增加了。

80286 芯片含有十三万四千个晶体管、16 Bit 数据总线,工作频率由最初的 4 MHz 逐步提高到 25 MHz。其内部和外部数据总线皆为 16 Bit,内存寻址总线为 24 Bit。与 8086 相比,80286 内存寻址功能达到了 16 MB,并可以使用虚拟内存模拟大量内存空间,因而大大扩展了 80286 的工作范围,还能通过多工处理器在各线程间来回快速切换,以同时运算多个线程,其速度比 8086 提高了 5 倍甚至更多。IBM 公司将 80286 用在技术更为先进 AT 机中,与 IBM PC XT 机相比,AT 机内存一般可扩展到 16 MB,可支持更大的硬盘,支持 VGA 显示系统,比 PC XT 机在性能上有了重大的进步。


  • 134,000 个晶体管
  • 1.5 µm HMOS 制造技术
  • 16 位内部数据总线
  • 16 位外部数据总线
  • 24 位地址总线
  • 支持高达 16 MB 的内存和高达 1 GB 的虚拟内存
  • 掌握真实和保护模式


The 80286 was introduced by Intel on February 1, 1982. As the 80186/80188 CPUs were not really significant to personal computing, the 80286 was Intel’s next step processor for micro computers.

Intel added four more address lines to the 8086/80186 design. The 8086, 8088, 80186, and 80188 all contained 20 address lines, giving these processors one megabyte of addressibility (2^20 = 1MB). The 80286, with its 24 address lines, gives 16 megabytes of addressibility (2^24 = 16 MB).

The most substantial difference between the 80286 and the 8086/8088 is the addition of a protected mode. In protected mode, segment registers became pointers into a table of memory descriptors rather than being a direct part of the address. Among other things, protected mode allows safe execution of multiple programs at once by protecting each program in memory. DOS normally operates in real mode, in which segment registers act just as they do in the 8086/8088. Protected mode is used by Microsoft Windows, IBM’s OS/2 and UNIX. (For an introduction to protected mode please refer to this source)

The 80286 is a much more powerful CPU than the 8086, offering 3-6 times the performance of it. The 6 MHz 80286 is the CPU of the IBM AT (Advanced Technology), which also introduced a 16-bit motherboard and 16-bit expansion bus to the PC world. The IBM AT was introduced in 1985 - three years after introduction of the 80286.

With the 80286, the first “chipsets” were introduced. The computer chipset is a set of chips that replaced dozens of other peripheral chips while maintaining identical functionality. Chips and Technologies became one of the first popular chipset companies.

The 80286 was typically made in 3 package versions, each with 68 contacts: a PGA-, CLCC- and a PLCC-package.


Intel R80286-10

参数 数值
CPU 类型 68-pin CLCC
主频 12.5 MHz
内部总线宽度 16 Bit
外部总线宽度 16 Bit
地址总线宽度 24 Bit
晶体管 134,000
技术 HMOS 1.5 µm
电压 5 Volt
生产日期 33/1989
产地 Malaysia

Intel R80286-10 正面 Intel R80286-10 反面

Intel A80C286-12

参数 数值
CPU 类型 68-pin CPGA
主频 12.5 MHz
内部总线宽度 16 Bit
外部总线宽度 16 Bit
地址总线宽度 24 Bit
晶体管 134,000
技术 CHMOS III 1.5 µm
电压 5 Volt
生产日期 08/1989
产地 Malaysia

Intel A80C286-12 正面 Intel A80C286-12 反面

Tags: Intel 80286